I have been living in West Hampstead for ten years. In this period I have got married, bought a property, had my first child and had my second child. Life can change a lot in 10 years. Even West Hampstead has changed: new businesses have come and gone, others have come and stayed; some have been here forever.
Recently I decided to change one of the few things that had remained a constant. I had been at University since the age of 18, first as an undergrad student then as a doctoral student then as a junior research scientist and finally as an academic. It was time to move on. By now I knew very well what I was really good at and what I really enjoyed doing and I was determined to make those my guiding principles in whatever I do.
CodeToday fits these criteria perfectly. As a scientist I have written computer code almost on a daily basis ranging from complex scientific computing to code to record, plot and analyse my newborn baby's weight (my son is now almost five and I still use that program!). Programming is the activity I have always enjoyed most in my work because it gives you the feeling that everything is possible.
Teaching is the other activity I have enjoyed and excelled in over those years. The satisfaction achieved as a lecturer when students have that "I get it" look on their face after understanding some complex point is unmatched by anything else (except possibly by the feeling of completing a lengthy computer program and it works!). I have been honoured by multiple nominations and awards by my students over my academic career, and I have equally enjoyed visiting schools to talk to school children from reception to sixth form about all things science and computing.
Let's face it, CodeToday is about me doing what I enjoy doing: coding and teaching. Luckily the community I've been part of for the past decade can benefit from my enjoyment!