We've been on an incredible journey over the last few years. 2020 will see some of the biggest changes in the history of codetoday so it seemed like a great time to bring you up to speed on our story and give you a taste of what's to come.
How it all began
Codetoday started out of the desire to teach coding in an engaging yet thorough manner. As a relatively new subject within children's education, coding was (and still is) often treated as a bit of a gimmick. Codetoday's aim was to change that and to treat it as a proper, academic subject. Our founder, Stephen Gruppetta, left his previous career in academic research as a physicist to set up codetoday and his background has defined how codetoday views programming: as a broad subject with applications across various fields; a subject that is both creative and rooted in the science and maths traditions of critical thinking and problem-solving.
Codetoday welcomed its first customers in April 2016. Although many things have changed since then, the core values of our services have remained the same: exceptional content and exceptional delivery. Whether we are teaching children or adults, the need to have engaging and relevant projects and a teaching style that prioritises clarity and thorough understanding has always been of great importance, right from those early days.
The consolidation years
In 2017 and 2018, we expanded our courses while continuing to develop our curriculum and resources further. Having started in north west London, codetoday's coding courses have spread out geographically to cover all of London. By the end of this period we were running coding sessions nearly every single day of the year through weekly courses, private and scheduled, either after school or on weekends and holiday camps, as well as regular courses for adult professionals, and corporate training mainly for companies based in the City. We are proud of the diverse range of students we have, from 7-year olds learning how to get Python to draw a flower to financial analysts looking at extracting insights from their data.
Although our customers, old and new, wouldn't have seen a huge difference in our services in 2019, a lot has happened behind the scenes as we grew our team and prepared the business for a new adventure in 2020. Our team grew in all areas including programme and curriculum development, marketing, technology, HR and of course the all-important instructors. The experience we gained in teaching over a thousand students how to code, most of whom attended two, three or more courses with us, gives us the confidence and the desire to go further.
As 2020 starts with a fully booked scheduled for this term, codetoday is set to roll-out after-school, Saturday and holiday courses for children and teenagers across more locations in London and beyond. A key aspect of what we do has always been to support our students beyond the face-to-face sessions with our instructors through resources and support after the course. We are currently significantly expanding our resources to find newer and better ways of supporting all our students and part of our plan for 2020 is to bring our past and present students into an online community, carefully moderated by our team, in which to discuss ideas, help and learn from each other and develop their coding skills further.
And to wrap all of this, we have been working on a fresh look and a brand new website that we'll launch very soon to mark this transition into a new phase for codetoday.