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Looking Ahead to 2021: Preview of January Coding Courses

At codetoday we're having a couple of quiet weeks. These are just about the only quiet weeks all year! We're recharging our batteries, ready to restart with coding courses in early January. Here is what's in store for the new year.

January Coding Course Preview

Our Spring term coding courses cover several levels within our curriculum, with Level 1 introductory courses for those who are just starting their Python coding journey, to higher level courses for those who have already completed one or more courses with us.

Live Online Courses

Live Online courses are always four sessions long. We keep each individual course short to allow more flexibility for students and parents who can work their way through our curriculum at their own pace.

Some choose to do several Levels back to back, while others prefer to have some gaps in between courses either to fit in other activities, or to spend time consolidating what they've learnt by practising their coding.

Support For Our Students

Every codetoday student has access to our Codetoday Community. This is a private forum, open only to our students, in which students can post any code they are working code and ask questions, or simply ask for feedback from the Community which includes not just other students but members of the codetoday team who help and guide anyone who posts a question.

The Community also has project ideas and other activities. And in 2021 we'll start running competitions with prizes too!

In addition to the support we offer our students during and after the course through the Community, each Live Session is followed by additional resources provided via our dedicated learning platform. These include summary videos, notes and quizzes. You can even access a preview of our learning platform and some of the additional material we provide.

Private Courses for Small Groups

Another popular format for our courses is the private course format. In these courses, which typically run weekly over a whole term, a small group of friends can learn coding together. Private courses allow us to adapt the pace and content more closely to our group. You can read more on our private Python coding courses. Although our schedule for the term starting in January is now full, you can book a spot in our weekly schedule for the Summer Term.

Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021

The year that's ending has been, shall we say, a bit different to normal. But that hasn't stopped students learning coding and it certainly hasn't stopped us helping students learn. In 2020 we've had the largest number of students coming through our (virtual) doors of any year since 2016, the year we ran our first courses.

As part of building this community, we have also worked on helping parents understand better what coding is all about. It's a relatively new subject for children to learn, and unlike other subjects, it is one that not all parents are familiar with. Our Parents' Guide to Coding has been a popular resource with parents who want to know more about this subject.

Some parents even went further and enrolled themselves in one of our courses for adults, or arranged for training for a group of work colleagues to get them to learn Python coding and start applying it to their work.

We expect to carry on in 2021 where we left off in 2020, although like everyone else, we hope some things will be different in 2021!


Join us for Coding in Python course in the New Year…



Python Coding for Young People


Codetoday Unlimited is for the curious teenager or preteen keen to learn proper Python coding. Stephen's courses start from the basics and carry on to intermediate and advanced levels.

Python Coding for Adults

The Python Coding Place is Stephen's platform full of courses and other resources for beginners and intermediate learners. The focus is on clarity and Stephen's unique communication style.

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